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How Online Board Meetings Benefit Nonprofits
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How Online Board Meetings Benefit Nonprofits

Online Board Meetings Benefits

Board members of non-profit organizations are already managing their personal and professional lives. Therefore, adding the convenience element to online meetings makes it easier for them to be able to participate in these important gatherings. This allows them to make changes to their policies and implement programs that are more relevant for the people they are serving.

Virtual board meetings are held online and therefore less likely that board members will miss them because of unexpected events such as traffic jams, schedules that are tight and travel stress. Board members can simply login to their virtual boardroom through the link that is sent to them via email. They will then be able to follow the agenda and discussions.

Video conferencing and other tools for communication allow participants to take part in online meetings. Furthermore, online tools for meetings allow participants to vote through their computers or by raising their hands. Participants can also send written feedback and comments.

Lastly, the digital environment is superior at managing board documents because it provides an archive of the data that is discussed and shared during the meeting. It also decreases the chance of losing or damaging physical documents.

It is also cheaper to host a virtual board meeting instead of an actual one, since the company can save money on the cost of renting rooms food, refreshments and rooms. Online board meetings are generally paperless, which further reduces expenses.

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