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Different Energy Sources
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Different Energy Sources

We need different energy sources to live and work. They include wind, solar, geothermal, and biomass sources. In addition to being a major source of electricity, these sources can also be used for transport and heating. The main issue with these energy sources is that they may cause greenhouse gas emissions when used to produce electricity. This is why there is a need for more sustainable energy sources.

The most commonly used type of energy is fossil fuels, which include coal, oil, and natural gas. They were formed millions of years ago when prehistoric animals and plants died and were buried under layers of sedimentary rock. In the right conditions, they gradually transformed into carbon-rich compounds which, when burnt, generate energy. They are not renewable because they will run out in our lifetimes or in many lives.

Renewable energy sources however, are continually replenished. The sun is the primary source of renewable energy, because it is a source of warmth and light. We use it to power our homes and businesses as well as to drive our cars. Wind is a different renewable energy source, which generates electricity by spinning turbines. We have used it since humans first discovered how to harvest the wind for millennia. We also use biochemical processes to create the ethanol (a clear alcohol that can be used as a fuel) from waste and crops.

In the list of sources hydropower is the biggest renewable energy source in the United States, though wind and biofuels are likely to become the leading source of these details about iDeals Data Room energy in the near future. Hydropower relies on nature’s cyclic water cycle to harness the power of rapid-flowing water, which is then used in turn to produce electricity.

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